Our Mission

We’re using AI to prove there is measurable causality between social media, news articles and financial markets

Using our trading signals we’re able to generate strong returns

0 %
Average Hedged Annualised Return
Average Information Ratio

Using our AI neural network we extract sentiment from vast amounts of data

 Our Team

  • Will Crosthwait
    Will Crosthwait CEO

    Background: Founder / Managing Director of cloud based platform Auditionist and founder of e-commerce platform, Countryfi.

    Experience: Extensive understanding of project management while bringing cloud based tech businesses to reality, and in the strengthening field of AI and automation where Will has given a talk for the BBC as part of their AI and Automation season.

  • Damon Neale
    Damon Neale CTO

    Background: Experienced CTO for BASE Media Cloud, Tech Lead EMEA BeBop Technologies LLC and MD of Broadcast Tech Consultancy.

    Experience: Early adopter of new tech, including cloud and AI. Responsible for building £multi-million solutions for major international customers. Invited to talk on tech (including AI) at major international conferences.

Partners + Advisors


Kensai Launch Announcement at BBC


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